Tips and Tricks for Hosting a Better Zoom Meeting

Zoom fatigue is setting in for anyone who is regularly meeting with clients and coworkers.  If you’re hosting a Zoom meeting, use these tips and tricks to run a smoother, more engaging video call!

Communicate Zoom Etiquette

When you send the invitation or link to the Zoom meeting, provide instructions, and Zoom etiquette to your attendees. Proper Zoom etiquette can include things like:

  • Remembering to mute yourself upon entry to the meeting and unmuting to speak.
  • Signing-in with your name to register attendance for the meeting.
  • Avoiding distracting sounds, like eating, cell phones, and background noise.
  • Turning your webcam on to improve engagement with others.
  • Waiting for the host to call on you before speaking.

Use Host and Co-host Features as Your Superpower

If you have more than 25 people on Zoom, make someone on the call the co-host to help you keep things running smoothly.  If you are leading the meeting and speaking, it’s difficult to tell who is making noise or has a disruptive video. A co-host can use the participant list to scroll and find the person who is unmuted, adding ambient noise or background conversations to the Zoom.  The co-host and host can use their “superpower” to mute participants who are unaware that their background noise is interrupting the meeting.  The host and co-host can also turn off disruptive video (i.e., nose-blowing, chewing, dressing, exercising, pet and children scrambling about, driving, walking, etc.) which can take away attention from the meeting and participants have a voyeur moment. We’ve all either heard stories or seen/heard things that probably shouldn’t be on Zoom; don’t be one of those stories!

Measure Engagement and Review Your Meeting Format

Conference techniques that work in-person may be boring on Zoom. Sticking to an allotted time slot is important but reworking the agenda to add excitement makes a huge difference! Reward those that turn on their webcams, add to the meeting with comments and questions, and contribute to stimulate discussion.  For participants who were not engaged or participating, reach out, and find out why when possible. Are they having technical challenges with the platform and need a little help? Have they double booked and are logged into the meeting but are doing something else? Is the meeting scheduled at a time when they are either not ready to be seen, or is their house full of kids and chaos?  Has engagement decreased because the format is, quite frankly, boring?  Consider tweaking your agenda and putting some fun into your meetings! If you feel that your Zoom calls aren’t as effective as they once were, consider a short survey to ask for honest feedback for improvements.

Change It Up!

Part of Zoom fatigue is the same old same old mundanity each meeting.  Add a guest or surprise speaker that can tell an interesting anecdote to improve engagement. Also, consider the use of short videos, PowerPoints, or photo presentations to provide a more exciting experience.  Remember, the loss of in-person connections may require some showmanship at the helm. Humor, storytelling, visuals, etc. can reenergize a boring meeting. Lastly, the speakers, host, and co-hosts should always prep their equipment and environment prior to the call.  Where possible, set up proper lighting, have your camera slightly above eye level, and use photo backgrounds when needed to conceal distracting backgrounds.

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